Guitar for Everyone

This course has been developed to gain skills to play songs with confidence on the Guitar. On this course you will gain skills to make the Guitar sound great in your hands, by learning beautiful sounding chords, strumming with ease and how to play popular songs. Please note that Newcastle, North Tyneside and Northumberland council do not fund non-accredited courses. This means that if you live under any of these councils you will need to pay £130 for this course with no concessions as it is not accredited.




Gateshead Interchange Centre

Day(s) of the week


Number of Weeks


Start Date

Enquire any time

Course Times

1:00pm to 3:00pm

Course Code


PLEASE NOTE: Due to restrictions on funding from NTCA learners from the North of Tyne Authority postcodes will need to pay the full cost of programmes at the time of enrolling which will be more than the price quoted in the online directory. This will equate to £6.50 per hour of learning with no concessions available in regard to age or employment status.

What is the Programme Content?

On this course, you play and have fun with the Guitar. With expert guidance from our experienced music tutor you will be guided to improve your playing ability.

Who is it for?

This course is for you if you want to have expert guidance on how to improve skills in playing your Guitar.

What prior experience and knowledge do I need?

Some previous experience is required.

What materials or equipment do I need to provide?

Please bring your own Guitar to use in the sessions.

What materials or equipment do we provide to you?

We will provide you with high quality resources from the first week, until the end. These resources will guide you and provide clear information on the learning outcomes, like chord charts, song lead sheets and strumming techniques.

How will I be assessed?

Your progress will be carefully assessed by your tutor along the way. This will allow your tutor to offer better advice and clear feedback on how to keep making great progress on the course.

Is the programme accredited?

The programme is not accredited.

What can I do next?

You might like to try an intermediate course in the future, you will be able to continue your journey by learning more songs with appropriate challenge as you improve.

Enquire About This Course

Complete the form below to begin your enquiry & one of our team will contact you