


Bensham Grove Community Centre

Day(s) of the week


Number of Weeks


Start Date

Enquire any time

Course Times

6:30pm to 8:30pm

Course Code


What is the Programme Content?

Fused glass is an exciting and creative process which involves setting out compatible coloured glass to be melted/fused in a kiln. There are a range of different firings which can be used to create a variety of textural effects, and many additional processes to add detail to your work. This includes painting with enamels and glassline paints, including metals in the glass, capturing natural textures, and even creating decals from drawings and photographs to name but a few. Through this simple process of melting the designs you develop to fuse them forever, we can create anything from beautiful jewellery, to functional bowls, to breathtaking abstract light catching panels.

Who is it for?

The course is suitable for anyone interested in exploring a new creative outlet or in developing and challenging their existing fused glass skills.

What prior experience and knowledge do I need?

None required, but it is also great if you have some previous experience.

What materials or equipment do I need to provide?

None required, but you can bring your own tools for convenience if you prefer.

What materials or equipment do we provide to you?

The tutor will have a range of tools available for you to use in the first few sessions but, for convenience and if required, advice will be given on purchasing your own. The tutor has a glass shop where materials can be purchased by weight as required. This allows you to control how much you spend during the course.

How will I be assessed?

Through self-assessment and tutor's observations, you will have one-to-one discussions with your tutor who will provide you with appropriate guidance and support to ensure you progress and achieve your goals. You will be encouraged to evaluate your own progress and then set further learning goals.

Is the programme accredited?


What can I do next?

Progress to the next level with Learning and Skills. Check out our prospectus or contact Learning and Skills on 0191 433 8646. For more specific guidance speak to your tutor.

Enquire About This Course

Complete the form below to begin your enquiry & one of our team will contact you