Operations Manager Apprenticeship Level 5

The Operations Manager is someone who manages teams and projects in line with a private, public or voluntary organisations operational or departmental strategy.
No fee for eligible learners
Workplace Delivery
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What is the Programme Content?
A blend of: • Taught workshops • Tutorials • Self-directed learning and application in a business environment • Development of skills, knowledge and behaviours throughout continuous & professional development
Who is it for?
Those in a role who are accountable to a more senior manager or business owner who's key responsibilities may include creating and delivering operational plans, managing projects, leading and managing teams, managing change, financial and resource management, talent management and coaching and mentoring. Roles may include: • Operations manager • Regional or divisional manager • Department manager or specialist managers
What prior experience and knowledge do I need?
Entry requirements will be decided by each employer but learners should hold maths and English grades C/4 or above. Apprentices without level one or equivalent English and maths will need to achieve this before end point assessment.
What materials or equipment do I need to provide?
What materials or equipment do we provide to you?
How will I be assessed?
Ongoing programme progression will be reviewed with the employer. End Point assessment will include: • Test of knowledge using scenarios • A competency-based interview • Assessment of portfolio of evidence • Presentation of work-based project approach and findings • Professional discussion relating to CPD activity
Is the programme accredited?
The programme is a nationally recognised apprenticeship certificate.
What can I do next?
You can register with CMI and ILM
Enquire About This Course
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