Pastel Still Life for Creative Wellbeing

Do you like to get messy when you create art? Do you feel fulfilled when your hands are the same colour as your work? If this is you, you’re going to like this course. Chalk pastels can be very messy, but they can also create amazing art. Join the course and the wet wipes will be provided!




Gateshead Interchange Centre

Day(s) of the week


Number of Weeks


Start Date

Enquire any time

Course Times

10:00am to 12:00pm

Course Code


PLEASE NOTE: Due to restrictions on funding from NTCA learners from the North of Tyne Authority postcodes will need to pay the full cost of programmes at the time of enrolling which will be more than the price quoted in the online directory. This will equate to £6.50 per hour of learning with no concessions available in regard to age or employment status.

What is the Programme Content?

You will learn to use chalk pastels to create still life art. From fruit to glass and fabric to metal, each material will be a focus on the course. You will work from a still life in the studio.

Who is it for?

The course is ideal for anyone who wants to increase the range of art materials they use.

What prior experience and knowledge do I need?

You need some experience with image making to access this course.

What materials or equipment do I need to provide?

You will need your own paper and pastels. Paper size no smaller than A4. The quality of the paper and pastels is your choice, but they don’t have to be expensive to access this course.

What materials or equipment do we provide to you?

There will be spare paper and pastels available.

How will I be assessed?

You will set targets at the beginning of the course related to what you would like to achieve. Your tutor will work with you to develop your skills and knowledge. By the end of the course, you will have developed your confidence with chalk pastels as well as your knowledge of creating still life art.

Is the programme accredited?

The programme is not accredited

What can I do next?

After completing the course, you may wish to explore other forms of art using chalk pastels by joining an art group, where you could experiment with your new skills in landscape or portraiture and create works of art to exhibit in Gateshead

Enquire About This Course

Complete the form below to begin your enquiry & one of our team will contact you